

As a child I looked at the world through a magnifying glass, always in amazement as to how and why things worked. Through the years, I’m sure my instructors got perturbed because I was that kid ALWAYS asking questions and doodling in my study materials. Art quickly became my main mode of communicating, learning about our natural world, adapting to life’s challenges, and attempting to acquire self actualization. The complete satisfaction in working with watercolor is the freedom and unpredictability of its very nature. The fluidity of watercolor reminds me to frequently be resilient and adaptable in this ever changing world. Change is the one constant in our environment and creatively embracing adversity has allowed me to become more adaptable. My art comes from being continually inspired and stimulated by our natural world. My attempt is to breathe life into my paintings through strong, vibrant colors with wavering movement. Currently my artwork is whimsical watercolors on Yuppo, using water soluble crayons to accentuate line and texture.